Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Never Give Up! 1K x10 Intervals at JSC

Recently Siulek encountered some unpleasant and unfair incidents at my sports clubs. The most effective thing to against the unhappiness is to have a great work out.

Tonight the other BC Runners followed their programme to have 800m intervals while Patrick only had a easy run. Siulek would like to stick with the 1K intervals, with 2 more sets than last week, which is my promise with my trainer long time ago.

The weather was hot with 30 degrees. Well... I don't think that's suitable for trainings but life must go on...

In my opinion, intervals below 1km is not approprate for trail runners, as we only require to train up our speed endurance and tolerance to lactic acid.

Siulek did so well tonight that she completed 10 sets on her own with consistent speed. It is expected that her endurance should be improved much by then~ haha~ ;P
In fact, I could be more concentrated when running alone. I was also delighted show some colours to those evil people look down on me.

Afterall, our main mission is to enjoy a special big meal after the tough workout. Unlike the other traditional running clubs which have dinners at the same restaurant every week, BC runners are much more creative to decide a new and different place to eat every night. That gives much motivation for our members.
Tonight we went to try a restaurant in Wong Tai Sin with Suzhou and Hangzhou cuisine.
 The food is spicy but very very delicious. 8 of us finished all the dishes on the table within half an hour and required to order additional food...
Here is what we encored to order - Water-cooked Fish! We increased the spicy level to medium this time in order to taste the real feelings of the cuisine.
We all felt full and satisfied with both the run and the food.

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